Thursday, September 29, 2011

Episode #26: Childhood Memories

Featuring:  Belasco, Booze, Dr. P, Hiccup

In which the panelists discuss some of their strangest and fondest memories from childhood.  Listen in as Belasco becomes the worlds dumbest arsonist, Dr. P crawls through the sewers, Booze jams his head where it doesn't belong, and Hiccup confesses his love for Gene Simmons.

Direct Download (right-click, "Save link as...")

- Email: belasco [at] sweetfeatheryjesus [dot] com
- Follow us on Twitter: sfjdotcom

- Snail mail:
Sweet Feathery Jesus
PO Box: 163922
Austin, TX 78716-3922

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Episode #25: SFJ Live on the Cutting Room Floor Podcast

Featuring: Casey Ryan, Belasco, Booze, Dr. P

In which podcast panelists Belasco, Booze, and Dr. P make their second appearance on Casey Ryan's "Cutting Room Floor" podcast.

After some initial technical difficulties we discussed some of our favorite podcasts, podcasting dos and don'ts, ideas for an upcoming SFJ Movie Club show with Casey, and we get our first ever SFJ voicemail.

  • Cutting Room Floor Podcast:
    • The Cutting Room Floor seeks to help independent filmmakers and other entertainers promote their projects.

Direct Download: Episode #25: SFJ Live on the Cutting Room Floor Podcast  (right-click, "Save link as...")

- Email: belasco [at] sweetfeatheryjesus [dot] com
- Follow us on Twitter: sfjdotcom

- Snail mail:
Sweet Feathery Jesus
PO Box: 163922
Austin, TX 78716-3922

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Episode #24: Boobs and a Boob

Featuring: Belasco, Booze, Dr. P, Hiccup, The Larry

In which we talk about boobs.  Yes, boobs.  Wonderful, glorious boobs.  Dr. P does the man-on-the-street thing when some socially-conscious geniuses decide to organize a topless protest in his hometown.  Thankfully, Dr. P has a wax cylinder recorder to take with him to the event.

Also, Blind Lawrence calls in to take his regular beating, Booze gets released from quarantine, and our new friend Hiccup is still at the library mooching wifi and screaming about medical procedures.

Direct Download: Episode #24: Boobs and a Boob  (right-click, "Save link as...")

- Email: belasco [at] sweetfeatheryjesus [dot] com
- Follow us on Twitter: sfjdotcom

- Snail mail:
Sweet Feathery Jesus
PO Box: 163922
Austin, TX 78716-3922

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Episode #23: Manners

Featuring: Belasco, Booze, Dr. P, Hiccup

In which we take on the subject of manners.  Etiquette, see?  Listen in as our new friend, Hiccup, shows up to steal some wifi, Booze's work ethic brings him to near collapse, Belasco tries to commit credit card fraud, and Dr. P refuses to let you merge.  We'll also spend some time on panties, blind retards, and Fleshlights (link NSFW).  Not necessarily in that order.

Direct Download: Episode #23: Manners  (right-click, "Save link as...")

- Email: belasco [at] sweetfeatheryjesus [dot] com
- Follow us on Twitter: sfjdotcom

- Snail mail:
Sweet Feathery Jesus
PO Box: 163922
Austin, TX 78716-3922